Finding the Win

I had a dermatologist appointment today with a new doctor and I was so proud of myself. Any time in the past 2 years that I’ve had to fill out a medical history or answer any questions about family health background, I’ve stumbled and stuttered. I didn’t know how to say that I didn’t know any details about half my biology, that I had this gaping hole where this knowledge should be, that the previous medical history I had given them is no longer valid. I’ve addressed it in so many weird ways….from mumbling explanations to tearfully giving the doctor WAY too much information. But the gist of it is I don’t know if I have a history of colon cancer or heart disease or anything else. Today, when the doctor asked about my family history of skin cancer, I calmly explained that there was some on my maternal side, but that I didn’t have any details of my father’s medical history. And that was that, no mumbling through unnecessary details, no tears; just the truth in a no nonsense manner. After she left the room, I felt such a sense of relief and pride. I am making progress. With every 2 steps forward, there is a step backward, but I am moving forward and learning to live with my new reality in a healthier way.