What I Want to Say

Apologies on the lack of posts recently, but I was on a fabulous vacation with my husband and daughters. There’s nothing like getting out of your comfort zone to remind you of your priorities. I had a lot of time to think on the trip…about trust, relationships, and character. As I looked at my daughters experiencing so many new things over the past couple of weeks, I admired their character – their open hearts, appetites for knowledge, consideration for others, and kindness. With these thoughts in my head, I came back home. While catching up on Facebook, I decided to check out the latest on my bio dad’s Facebook page (reminder: I wrote him several times through ancestry and Facebook messenger but haven’t received a response. He’s seen our DNA match in Ancestry.com). The more I read his posts, the more I questioned my bio dad’s character. His page is full of biblical posts about being a man of God, a man of character, full of anti-abortion propaganda. I know I’ve posted about this before, but it’s just so extreme…and wrong. And I just thought, “what a hypocrite.” I want to say to him:

How can you consider yourself a man of character, a “man of God” when you won’t even respond to your biological daughter – she isn’t asking to be part of your family, but to only know biological facts and medical history. How can you sit there, saying that abortion should be illegal when you won’t even acknowledge your own youthful indiscretion? If you had your way, would it be acceptable to force a woman to have a baby she didn’t want, but a man doesn’t have to even knowledge that baby? Maybe you think that no one knows your true character, hiding behind your title, bible quotes, and robes. Despite your attempts to portray yourself as a man of integrity and character, I can see behind the facade and now know who you really are and I am disappointed.